The most obvious sign at the entrance to Ueno zoo used to notify visitors that the zoo didn't have panda’s in residence following the death of the last giant panda in 2008. In spite of this there were still posters, stuffed toys, models and statues of pandas throughout the zoo.

In 2011 things changed with the arrival of 2 pandas, just in time to experience the earthquake of 11 March. The 2 pandas were named following a public poll and given the names Rili and Shinshin. The panda display was delayed as a result of damage to the enclosure but the zoo has had the pandas on display for a number of months now and, judging by the infrastructure put in place to control the crowds, they have been very popular. On the day we visited we arrived early and when combine with the wet weather the crowds had not started to assemble.

On this visit it was also the one time that we got to see the tiger (rather than seeing him hidden away), a playful new addition to the gorilla family and a homeless gorilla.

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