As I have learnt summer time in Tokyo is something to behold. Locals have kept on telling me that this summer has been particularly bad. A huge city, so much concrete and so many roads, and temperatures in the mid to high 30’s and 90% plus humidity make’s Tokyo not a nice place to be over summer time. At least there is no hole in the ozone layer here which means that you don’t burn nearly as quickly.

That makes the discovery of the Oji park, and its water park, even more special. On days when the temperatures are high this little oasis provides wonderful relief.

The designers of the park have gone to great lengths to try and replicate a natural stream including waterfalls and boulders in the stream bed.

If that’s not enough for you there's also a fountain that allows for more water play, and the best thing? There is the comforting smell of chlorine in the air providing a level of assurance that the water is at least treated to some level.

If water play is not your thing there are some street vendors that provide more traditional methods to keep cool.

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